Learn Strategies to Help You Uncover Your True Calling
With many of us spending more time at home, due to COVID-19, discovering what truly makes us happy has been something that many have thought long and hard about. As a young business professional, I know it can be a challenge navigating your way to a successful career. Our friends at Network Under 40 (NU40) also understand this struggle and want to help their fellow young business pros have a long and successful career.
Join NU40, May 28, for a conversation that will change the way you look at your career and prepare you for success in this uncertain market!
This virtual event will feature leaders at Northwestern Mutual for an interactive session where you’ll learn:
Useful frameworks to help you re-imagine your next career steps
How to assess your talents and position them to stand out in the job market
How to parlay those gifts and skills into new industries, especially if your current industry is struggling
Stories from people, just like you, who employed these strategies and found massive success
The top traits, habits, and rituals of people who are finding stable employment and growing thriving businesses in this environment
You will walk away from this virtual event inspired and with a toolkit of resources to use to reinvent yourself.
Reimagine and recreate the career of your dreams, May 28. Register here!
Featured image via Payscale.