Wearable Computers at Think Tank Thursdays

Wearable computers and head-mounted displays (HMDs) are in the press daily. Why now? While the basic technology has existed for decades, only recently have these devices become practical and desirable. This month, come to IPaT for a Thursday Think Tank and a tour of the WCC’s exhibition Meeting The Challenge: The Path Towards a Consumer Wearable Computer. This exhibit demonstrates four challenges along the road to making a consumer wearable computer: power and heat, networking, mobile input, and displays.

The Noteables:
When: Thursday Dec 4
Where: IPaT Centergy building

Clint Zeagler
With a BS in Industrial Design (Georgia Tech), a minor in textiles manufacturing (Georgia Tech), and a MA in fashion design (Domus Academy, Italy), Clint Zeagler works on projects at the intersection of desire and technology. His research on electronic textiles with the Contextual Computing Group of the GVU center and his course instruction on mobile and ubiquitous computing along with directed electives with companies like Palm push the boundaries of how we interact with electronics on the body.

Can’t make this one? Come hear informal presentations of Georgia Tech’s People & Technology research, network with your colleagues, and enjoy fine refreshments every Thursday. The Thursday Think Tank is a weekly gathering of the IPaT community to brainstorm about research, stay informed about the work that everyone is doing, and help define IPaT strategy. Ideas for future Thursday Think Tanks?  Send comments or suggestions to Russ Clark (russ.clark@gatech.edu) or Maribeth Gandy (maribeth@imtc.gatech.edu)

[Photo Credit]