5, 4, 3, 2, 1…we’re on!
Switchyards Downtown Club is bringing you another installment of its monthly pitch event, The Consumer Show, on February 2nd. The pros call it “The Consumer Show” (or #theconsumershow for our Twitteratti) because it’s only for startups that build products for consumers— yes, that’s you! Cool stuff from a recent Consumer Show: a video, a recap and photos.
Five startups will each present for five minutes. Then— to foster community support— each startup will spend a few minutes on two topics: what can the community do to help their startup the most, and what successes or insights can they give back to other consumer startups.
Are you in? We are! So register here.
This month’s presenting companies:
Goodwipes, the quick way to get clean.
The Digital Time Capsule
Steppingblocks helps parents & students simplify the overwhelming process of education and career planning
tapStory brings creative play to picture books on the iPad.
Get one step closer to being debt-free with each purchase you make
Drinks at 6 PM. Presentations start at 7:10 PM.
This will be fun, guaranteed. And we want to see it. Tag us in your photos of #theconsumershow on Twitter and Instagram — you might get featured next month!
Image via Jason Seagle.