TechHire Scholarship Open House + CodeStart Demo Day

The demand for technology jobs is outpacing the supply of available talent.  There is projected to be 1 million more IT jobs than computer science students in the US by 2020.  Atlanta is among the top ten US cities with the greatest supply-demand gap in IT jobs.

In March 2016, Atlanta was designated a Whitehouse TechHire City. In June 2016, The City of Atlanta, TechSquare Labs and The Iron Yard were awarded a $4M grant to train 450 Atlantans for upwardly mobile software development skills over the next 4 years.

The Atlanta TechHire Initiative will develop an ecosystem that equips Atlantans with the skills to meet the technology needs of employers in metro-Atlanta and strengthen the region’s economy.

Join us on Saturday, August 20th at TechSquare Labs to learn more about TechHire, how to apply for the full ride scholarships (valued at $25,000+) and connect with coders as they display their software demos.

Note: TechHire is for City of Atlanta residents, ages 17-29 that have at least a high school diploma.

Register here.
