Love Your W.O.E.
W.O.E. (WOMEN ONLY ENTREPRENEURS) is a night of galvanizing unstoppable women to be empowered and comfortable in their own skin while being united and uplifted in sisterhood.
Curated through genuine, honest and transparent conversations about the woes, obstacles, and triumphs of a woman’s journey. Combined with fun-spirited activities that embrace femininity and stir the soul.
6:00pm – 6:45pm Arrival with Vendor Tables Open
6:45pm – 7:00pm Show Opening <3
7:00pm – 7:15pm Affirmations led by Leah Fairman of Vibrate Higher
7:15pm – 7:45pm Stefanie Diaz Interviews Ofelia de La Valette of Dance 101
7:45pm – 8:00pm Aha! Moments from W.O.E. Audience
8:00pm – 8:30pm Dance Party led by Lanita Patton of First Impressions
8:30pm – 9:00pm Sisterhood with Vendor Tables Open
Ladies, it’s our time! See you, April 25th. Register here!
Speakers and Guests
Stefanie Diaz (Your Host)
Mastermind Your Launch Founder and Radio Host
Fun Fact: {Recently named among Atlanta’s Startup Wonder Women}
Ofelia de La Valette (Featured Guest)
Dance 101 Founder
Fun Fact: {Recently named among Top 10 Dance Studios in the US!!}
Leah Fairman (Affirmations)
I Vibrate Higher Founder
Fun Fact: {Entrepreneur, Community Catalyst, Consciousness Coach}
Lanita Patton (Dance Party)
First Impressions Founder
Fun Fact: {Empowering Women Through Dance}