This Weekend: National Day of Civic Hacking

May 30 & 31 at the Atlanta Community Food Bank

The second annual National Day of Civic Hacking has 73 events planned 7 countries and 33 states and 1 territory: 51 hackathons, 10 [freespace]s, 3 unconferences, 3 block parties and 4 others.

Atlanta’s Event:

  • Join TAG and Code for Atlanta as they come together to help solve problems for the Atlanta Community Food Bank and other food-related civic innovation projects, using the people and power of the web and data.
  • The Atlanta Community Food Bank will propose around 10 problems they would like solved with the different agencies they work with. We will further define other challenges over the course of the next month. Feel free to look at those already identified.
  • Expect 15-20 problems pitched and most of them get teams formed around them and worked on. The result will be a series of tangible, technology-based solutions to our most pressing food challenges, from websites and mobile apps to data visualizations and other types of innovative products and services.


Friday, May 30th
6:00 pm Registration, socialize, get set up, and ready to hack!
7:00 pm Welcome & problem statement presentations
7:30 pm Dinner
8:30 pm Choose problems to work on, and form teams
9:00 pm Start hacking
12:00 am Stop Hacking

Saturday, May 31st
8:00 am Breakfast!
8:30 am Hacking continues
12:00 pm Lunch
2:00 pm Prepare for presentations
3:00 pm Presentations Begin
5:00 pm Judging Begins
5:15 pm Awards are given
5:30 pm National Day of Civic Hacking Ends


Food: We’ll have light snacks, fruit, drinks and the like on hand. We will supply dinner and breakfast as well.

Q: Can I come if I am not a developer or a designer?
Absolutely! We welcome all people with all backgrounds and would love to have many people who are passionate about food issues, in order to maximize the exchange of ideas between advocates, experts and technologists.

Q: What problems will we be working on?
The Atlanta Community Food Bank will propose around 10 problems they would like solved with the different agencies they work with. We will further define other challenges over the course of the next month. Feel free to look at those already identified at: Also, please share if you have an idea of a challenge! Day-of pitches are also welcome. Expect 15-20 problems pitched and most of them get teams formed around them and worked on. The result will be a series of tangible, technology-based solutions to our most pressing food challenges, from websites and mobile apps to data visualizations and other types of innovative products and services.

Q: How are the teams formed?
They are formed organically. After the problems are presented people join teams based on interest in the idea and needs. So if you are an mobile developer you would likely join a team that is solving a problem using mobile technology.


[Photo Credit:]