Do you love Atlanta? Want to help improve your city?
The economic benefits of public transportation to a city can be in the billions, especially in a city like Atlanta where we’re traditionally all about our cars. MARTA’s new strategic technology initiative invites the Atlanta tech community to help create the next great thing in Atlanta transit. In partnership with Sandbox ATL, Code for Atlanta, HackGT, Hypepotamus, and other community groups, MARTA is holding a series of 24-hour hackathons, semi-monthly work group sessions, and continual online interaction.
Smart Cities and the Internet of Things
The next event is the second MARTA Hackathon, Feb 24-25, in The Garage at Tech Square. With a focus on Smart Cities and the Internet of Things, participants will come up with solutions that incorporate how to employ sensors and real-time data analysis to make Atlanta a better place to live, work, and move around. This is the first Hackathon incorporating the City of Atlanta’s Smart City Initiative, which is launching the North Avenue corridor demonstration project, as a partner.
In parallel to these efforts, MARTA and its media partners will share lessons learned to grow the number of people engaged in this initiative, attract new funding and technology partners, and ultimately create a world-class transit system experience in Atlanta. Media and partner inquiries can be directed to MARTAHackathon@sandboxatl.c
Register for the Hackathon here.