Next Friday, the SXSW Interactive Fesitival PanelPicker opens for voting. This will account for 30% of the points you need to get selected as a presenter/panelist.
The SXSW ATL Takeover 2014 crew wants to help you. We have 50+ people who have stepped forward to help make sure ATL is represented. Now is your chance to let us know what PanelPicker entry you submitted.
Just leave a comment below with the URL of your PanelPicker entry. You can get bonus points by including your Twitter handle and text for a Twitter/FB status update promoting your entry.
Also, we’d love to know if you are planning to host a party/event at SXSW Interactive Festival. That way, we can make sure to promote those, too, or even help bring people together to plan a larger party/event promoting the Atlanta scene.
So do you want our help starting Friday, August 16? Leave your comment below and we will.
P.S. You can also join the SXSW ATL Takeover crew by signing up here.