Check out Victoria Nicholson, recent graduate of the front end development program at the Iron Yard. She’s ready to learn Python, tend to her kitties, and dive head first into the startup world.
What past tech projects have you worked on?
The Iron Yard was my first exposure to tech work.
What are your best technical or creative skills?
I am curious, with an eye for clean design, I will work until a project is finished, and I am not above asking for help or clarification on a issue I may run into.
What’s next on your list to learn?
What’s your ideal internship/job?
My ideal job would a be a member of a small team working to solve real-world problems, and hopefully learning more. I would love to be able to bring some of my design skills to the table.
Interested in startups?
I am interested in startups as I feel a lot of unconventional thinking goes on, which can create new ways of solving age old problems.
Post graduation plans?
To keep working on the skills I learned through the Iron Yard, to improve my knowledge, and to pet my cats.