Ten Tweets from a Part-Geek, Part-Chic Techie

Paris Rouzati is a digital strategist, blogger, and fashionista. She is currently a digital strategist at StudioGood handling accounts such as NASCAR and Equinox. Also be sure to checkout Sweet Lemon Media, a culmination of digital platforms, including daily news, a bi-monthly magazine, and a YouTube channel executed by and for Gen-Y and Millenials, where she serves as President and Editor-in-Chief.

Name: Paris Rouzati
Twitter Handle: @parmrouz
Twitter Bio: Young blood, old soul. Digital Strategist @StudioGood. Co-Founder @SweetLemonMag & @RamelMedia.
What to Expect: Diet tips, sources of inspiration, breaking news

1) Eat the Girl Scout Cookies.

2) Name that Rapper #drake

3) Always on the search for the newest blogs

4) Looking for contributors

5) For you vegans celebrating a birthday soon

6) Checkout her team!

7) Hangin’ out on Google Hangout

8) Punny Vegetarian

9) Keeps her clients in the buzz

10) Every Techie can relate


[Photo Credit: SweetLemonMag.com]