Ten Tweets from an Entrepreneur Foodie

Christopher Richards is the Marketing Director of CheckAction and the Atlanta Chapter Director of Startup Grind. He is also a social media strategist for A Family for Every Child, a national child adoption agency, and ChooseATL, a movement to represent Atlanta as the creative and digital hub. An unproclaimed foodie, Richards loves to sample the restaurants Atlanta has to offer, instagramming everywhere he goes!

Name: Christopher Richards
Twitter Handle: @AtlantaKinfolk
Twitter Bio: Founder and Chapter Director of Startup Grind Atlanta | Advocate for ChooseATL & Atlanta Untold | Entrepreneur with a passion for technology and startups.
What to Expect: food porn, startup event marketing

1) Make it wearable and a challenge

2) Tin-Drummer

3) Runs on our go to Startup fuel

4) Commuting with the best of us 

5) Mr. Startup Congeniality 

6) Future Pet Stylist

7) Loves this city as much as we do

8) Keeping you posted on important deadlines

9) Avid Juicer and startup advocate

10) The ultimate CS struggle

[Photo Credit: Peach Dish]