Tech Talent: This Emory Grad Applies His Love of Puzzles to the Challenges of Coding

Abdella Shukur already has a degree that seems perfect for today’s times. He earned a bachelors from Emory University in Neuroscience and Behavioral Biology. He also completed a year at Mercer University’s Master of Public Health Program. But he’s not stopping there.

Abdella Shukur standingA recent graduate of DigitalCraft’s Full Stack Development coding course, he says he’s looking to put what he learned in college to use in a tech-driven world. When asked how he’s wants to apply the knowledge he’s gained in today’s challenged social environment, his answer is more about the present and the past than the future.

“I am currently working on using data from the Wall Street Journal with D3 to create graphs to analyze how demographics and police brutality correlate together.”

It’s probably people like Abdella Shukur who might end up saving the world from the rest of us.

Learn more about him, and how to get in contact, below:


Why the interest in the technology field?

It’s a field that allows you to impact the world in the most powerful way. We’re building platforms that will potentially affect the lives of billions of people and that comes with tremendous responsibilities but it is also very exciting to think about. 


What tech/tools are essential to you as a developer?

My preferred code editor is Visual Studio Code. The interface is clean and easy to understand. I use git for versioning and having a large sized monitor helps tremendously. 


How do you stay informed & on-top of emerging trends?

I love using the explore section of Github to see what projects other people are working on. I am also big on following podcasts and YouTubers such as JavaScript Jabber, Real Talk JavaScript, Traversy Media, The Coding Train, Programming with Mosh and many more. 


What are your best technical or creative skills?

I like puzzles and challenges, so I approach coding with the same philosophy. It can be frustrating when you are stuck on a bug but figuring it out makes it all worthwhile. It’s good to have an eye for small details and logical reasoning to debug code.


What’s next on your list to learn?

I’ve recently started working with React and Redux. I want to be confident working with these skills, because they are needed in the workforce and solve important problems. I created my entire portfolio in React and it helped me understand it much better.  


Are you interested in working for a startup, mid-sized company, or a corporate giant?

I would prefer a mid-sized company because it is the best of both worlds. I want my work to be recognized like a start-up, but I also want the stability of a corporation. 


Interested in looking at Abdella Shukur’s credentials? Here you go! GitHubPortfolio, Upwork and LinkedIn.


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