This Content Creator-Turned-Programmer Is Seeking A Supportive Team

At first, Rebecca Uranga didn’t think technology was for her. After earning a Bachelor’s degree in Mass Communications at the University of West Georgia, she was exposed to all the different facets of the tech industry and where she could fit in.

She joined DigitalCrafts‘ Full-Stack Immersive Bootcamp, where she learn how to merge her knack for content creation with building sleek applications. After adding several projects to her portfolio, she’s currently working on a workout generator using React.

Uranga is looking for a junior developer position at a company of any size, as long as she can join a supportive team where she can continue expanding her skills.

What is your previous education?

I graduated Summa Cum Laude with a B.S. in Mass Communications from the University of West Georgia.

Why the interest in the technology field?

To be honest, I always thought the technology industry was meant for a specific group of people that I wasn’t cut out to be a part of. As I’ve gotten real glimpses of the industry, I’m learning that technology really can be for everyone.

One of my career goals is to give back into the community that has supported me and relay what I’ve learned to all young people, but especially young girls. There’s also nothing better than being on a great team that comes together to solve a problem. 

What startup/tech projects have you worked on?

DigitalCrafts gives us the opportunity to work on a variety of projects to put our new skills to use. I’ve worked on an app that calls a movie database API as well as Giphy’s API to retrieve data about any movie you search and populate related GIFs.

I’ve also worked on a ticketing management system using PostgreSQL, Node.js, and Express.js. It allows users to submit ticket requests, and an admin to create an account and keep track of submitted tickets. I’m currently working on a simple workout generator and tracker using React.

What tools are essential to you as a developer?

Definitely VSCode and all their amazing extensions, the terminal, and Chrome Developer tools, but I’d also say Adobe Color Wheel, YouTube, and Google, of course.

How do you stay informed and on-top of emerging trends?

Reading, communicating with colleagues, and being curious. I love to make coffee in the morning, check my email, and catch up on all my weekly newsletters like Quincy Larson from FreeCodeCamp and Medium.

I also try to go to meetups or at least go through slides if I can’t physically be there. I’ve found that communicating with my classmates or other professionals in the industry to hear what they’re learning or what their company is using has been helpful as well. Also, shout out to the Women Who Code and Tech404 Slack channels.

What are your best technical or creative skills?

I’ve always been a jack of all trades, so I think that helps me look at a project in a big-picture sense. I am definitely a planner, so I try to write down to-do lists and break up projects into smaller tasks.

Even though I’ve been learning full-stack skills, my background in content creation has given me a hankering for front-end languages and concepts. I’m always thinking about how my apps should look and behave and how I can always make it more modern and user-friendly.  

What’s next on your list to learn?

Besides solidifying my JavaScript knowledge, I’m looking to dive into other JavaScript frameworks, Redux, TypeScript, and learning more about User Experience.

Are you interested in working for a startup, mid-sized company, or a corporate giant?

Any of the above. As long as I’m on a supportive team working on the technologies I’m interested in — that’s what matters to me most in my job search.

Interested in looking at Rebecca’s credentials? Here you go! GitHubPortfolio, and LinkedIn.