Craig Banton just completed Tech Talent South’s full-time code immersion program. With Ruby, HTML, and CSS under his belt, he’s looking for new opportunities to further his tech career.
What program did you just complete?
The code immersion full time 2014 fall program
What past tech projects have you worked on?
A quiz website for kids, an apartment move-in-deal site, and a social website for dog rescuers to share their stories.
What are your best technical or creative skills?
For technical skills, I would say RoR, HTML and CSS as those are what I’ve been using the most, recently. My creative skills are user experience design and social media marketing.
What’s next on your list to learn?
Javascript, C# and Angular are next on my list.
What’s your ideal internship/job?
Anywhere that would be able to provide a great mentorship for someone like me who is ready to make power moves in my new chosen career.
Interested in startups?
I am very interested in startups and learning how they tick on a higher level.
Post graduation plans?
To find an intern/job position to help me make that next step in my career. I’m also looking to grow the personal projects I’ve created recently.