The Most Kickass Undergrad We Met All Year

It is no secret that there is an insane amount of tech talent in the Atlanta area & Hunter Rosenblume is the cream of the crop. This young developer has worked on several different startup projects, is a natural leader, and is already making big waves in the ATL startup scene.

Read on for more info about this uber-talented Georgia Tech student…

Class of:

Computer Science

Currently Working On:
– Co-Director of Startup Semester alongside Pranil Vora and Partha Unava
– Co-Founder and CEO of Oahu, a platform that helps solve problems involving large data sets (ex. DNA sequencing, protein folding, etc.) without a supercomputer. It does this by breaking up the problem into small pieces, distributing them out to regular computers like yours or mine, then assembling the pieces together into one output. I’m working with my two co-founders and close friends: Louis Williams (CTO) and Chris Altonji (COO).

Past Projects:
– Built an app for all 22 branches in the Detroit Public Library system
– Worked at Detroit Venture Partners
– Built an app called Samplify that listens to songs and identifies/provides YouTube links to the sampled tracks
– Worked on a queuing system for a computer cluster (loose supercomputer grid) at Brookhaven National Laboratory

Best Skills:
I’m a strong Android Developer and building my arsenal of web development skills, but I’m studying computer science as a “means to an end”. Don’t get me wrong, I love CS, but I find myself more of a general problem solver and leader. When I see a problem, I don’t simply assign tasks to others. I try to understand the needs of those I lead and cater to their skill sets.

Next on the list to learn:
I want to dive deeper into distributed computing and understand how that technology can help us with the large data people want to traverse through. I know a few use cases, but I’m sure there are plenty more industries that could benefit from this tech.

Why the interest in startups?
Well I’ve always been a bit of an entrepreneur. When I was a kid I used to sell hand-made mothers day cards to children who forgot to make them. I really knew that I wanted to start my own company after working in the slow-moving field of research. Startups allow me to move quickly without any barriers.

What’s your ideal internship?
Well I just found a loophole in the Georgia Tech Internship Program and registered an internship with myself for next semester. So I’m going to go ahead and say that 🙂

Post graduation plans?
Well right now everything is about Oahu. But one day I’d like to develop an alternative education method centered around exposure rather than fine details. I feel like a lot of times teachers focus on nitty gritty implementation that is better learned through experience. For example, learning Node.js in a class may be hard, but using it for a project at a hackathon would be a great way to learn.

See more of Rosenblume’s work: