Jamie Gamblin | Yes, She Can!

Jamie Gamblin is a can-do lady who enjoys a good challenge. She just completed the Iron Yard Front End Engineering course and is ready to put her fresh coding talents to use. Check her out and see how she’s already made an impact on ATL’s tech scene in her short time here.

What program did you just complete:
Front End Engineering

What past tech projects have you worked on:
A dating app where your friends and family create your profile! There is a strong video component using our iOS app as well. It’s been a fun project using Angular. I also worked on a guessing game app where users upload images and give clues as to what they are, then other users guess and receive points based on correct guesses. That was a fun project as well, built using Backbone.

What are your best technical or creative skills:
I feel like my creative and technical skills stem from understanding my users and what they want. I like clean, simple designs and easy functionality. I feel confident in my HTML and CSS design skills as well as my Angular technical skills.

What’s next on your list to learn:
To be honest, Angular is such an endless abyss, I’d like to continue learning as much as I can. Otherwise, I plan to learn whatever is required of me to learn at my new, awesome job that I’ll get! I could see PHP being the next language I learn.

What’s your ideal internship/job:
A hands-on learning environment where I’m pushed to further my skill-set tremendously by a knowledgable team that cares about the growth of their employees. I like to be pushed, I like challenges and I like working on cool products.

Interested in Startups:

Post graduation plans:
I’m headed back to Boise, Idaho (home). I came to Atlanta for this course and it’s been a roller coaster of an adventure. I’m so glad I did it. I can’t wait to get back to the land of potatoes and live happily ever after with all the knowledge I’ve obtained over the last 3 months! Boise has over 200 software companies or maybe I’ll work remotely… I’ll likely do freelance work until I find the right opportunity.