Blue Chippers: Alesia Ervin, Georgia State University

Blue Chippers, a new content series focusing on students who have caught our attention.

As we continue Hypepotamus Week, we’re ready to give a shout out to Alesia (aka Bernisia) Ervin, who’s a Twitter monster. Representing Georgia State University and the state of Connecticut, Alesia has serious social media cred having helped a number of music artists with their Twitter presence. Her success in that arena has spurred her to begin building her own startup, Pushing the Music, to help independent artists build their audiences. With a penchant for walking on the street instead of the sidewalk, she likes to take her own path and we’re glad that has helped our paths to cross.

What’s your first and last name?
Alesia Ervin.

What school do you go to?
Georgia State University.

What’s your primary startup role?

What startup do you work for?

And what do you do for Hypepotamus?
I manage the social media accounts. I share with the public who we are along with the content we create.

If you could have any mentor in the world, who would it be and why?
Jay Z. He’s built an empire from nothing. He’s gone from Marcy projects to Barclay’s stadium.

What 3 websites do you visit daily?
Forbes, FastCompany, and Twitter.

What’s missing from your college experience?
Hands-on experience. There’s a lot of theory taught, but nothing to test it on in the classroom.

What was your favorite cartoon growing up?
Hey Arnold.

What are your 3 favorite mobile apps?
Twitter, Instagram, and MLB to keep track of my Yankees.

To thank Alesia, we’ve created this infographic summarizing her answers. Enjoy.
