Bartender, Liverpool Fan & Ruby Developer

Meet Alan Matthews. He’s a bartender, a reformed recording engineer, and a newly minted web developer. Matthews is just about to finish up a 12 week immersive course at The Iron Yard and he’s looking for a job at a startup where he can try out his fresh Ruby skills. Read more about him and reach out with an opportunity.

What program did you just complete?
Ruby on Rails Engineering at The Iron Yard

What past tech projects have you worked on?
No prior tech background prior to The Iron Yard. As a part of the course we have collaborated on many projects/hackathons involving the front end and mobile classes. I am currently working on my capstone project that is an online farmers market to allow local restaurants to source foods from local farmers.

What are your best technical or creative skills?
Creatively, I’ve been complimented by people over the years for having good taste. While I may not posses true artistic talent like painting, I feel I have the ability shape a vision that I see in my head.

What’s next on your list to learn?
More Rails! I think it’s important for me to focus on being a great Rails engineer starting out. Full stack is the goal, but being sort of okay at everything means your sort of not good at anything.

What’s your ideal internship/job?
An ideal internship/job would be any environment that is willing to teach and grow my talents as a developer. I really like the idea of having a mentor/pair programming, but also having an avenue to explore and apply what I have learned on my own.

Interested in startups?

Post graduation plans?
To explore the job market and keep learning and practicing Rails in my spare time.

Check him out:
My blog:
twitter: @Alan_Matthews_