UnHyped is a monthly conversation series created by The Gathering Spot in partnership with Hypepotamus. The goal is to feature Atlanta-based businesses who create waves with tech at their core.
In this first episode of UnHyped, we have a conversation with Marc Spiegel and David Rachelson of trash tech company Rubicon Global. They describe the mission behind their product, talk about their city pilot programs, and discuss how Rubicon is using technology to pioneer an innovative recycling solution in under three minutes.
“The waste and recycling space really hasn’t evolved for 40 years. We knew that there was an opportunity in the mid-2000s to create a system that listened to the way people communicate. We said, in an era where everyone wants to know what they are paying for, what’s happening, and control that and be able to track it, we wanted to create a mechanism that allowed them to do it.” — says Marc Spiegel, Founder of Rubicon Global.