Hack The Vote | Code For Atlanta Brings You An Early Voting Map

Code For Atlanta, a part of Code for America, has blessed us with an important civic tool that millions of metro Atlantans can use right now: an early voting locations map. It’s hands down best way to find out where to vote early in Atlanta. Big kudos to long-time member Mollie Taylor of Proximity Viz for being the lead developer on the project and her teammate David Rohm.

Check it out, vote early, and then Tweet or Instagram a picture of your “I voted”  sticker along with the hashtag #CfATL.

Not sure who to vote for? Check out how the senatorial candidates feel about startup/tech specific issues.


Want to get involved in Code for Atlanta? Who wouldn’t! Join them the 4th Tuesday of every month at 7:00 pm at the Atlanta Tech Village. They bring projects they’ve worked on at past civic hackathons — like National Day of Civic Hacking and Govathon, but new projects are encouraged too. Developers, designers, project managers, data analysts, and subject-matter experts are all welcome. Bring your laptop and some great ideas.