Around Atlanta: Weekly Roundup of News

[Photo: View of Atlanta from Kennesaw Mountain]

Press Clippings

Deals, Funding, and Awards

Events and Conferences Announced

  • Atlanta Geek Girl Dinner is coming back to the ATL. Join the bunch on Wednesday, November 6, at Georgia Tech’s IPaT.
  • Startup Riot launched a new website and is taking applications for Startup Riot 2014, happening February 26, 2014.
  • Startup Grind Atlanta launches its monthly fireside chat series on Wednesday, October 9 featuring Michael Tavani

Media Makers

  • Startup Atlanta launched a new website.
  • Invest Atlanta’s Startup Stories blog featured a piece on Terry Allen of Shoot Proof and his work on Govathon, Random Hacks of Kindness, and the upcoming Hack for CF
  • Did you know a technology incubator sits underneath the Millennium Gate at Atlanta Station? Check it out here.

Surely, we’re not perfect. So let us know if we left something out of this roundup by leaving a comment below with whatever links you think need to be added. We’d love to hear from you.