Event Series TSQ Tuesdays

TSQ Tuesdays

TSQATL Clubhouse 848 Spring Street NW, Atlanta, GA, United States

TSQ Tuesdays is a weekly gathering in Tech Square where we chill, chat, and have a good time every Tuesday night! Come join us every Tuesday for a low-key social […]

Event Series Tech Meet Up

Tech Meet Up

A group of tech admirers and professionals in the metro-Atlanta area discussing all things emerging in technology. Held on the first Tuesday of each month!


BITCON is a conference like no other. The annual conference for the Blacks In Technology community spotlights the digital divide for people of African descent while creating a platform to […]

Fresh Start Mornings

At each event, entrepreneurs present their business to the local community and learn how the community can support their business in its growth. Your local Fresh Start Mornings community gives […]