Fresh Start Morning

Cherokee County is passionate about entrepreneurial education for our next generation and providing support for innovators and startups. From kids to CEOs, our community is the perfect fresh air, high […]


You are invited to TiE Atlanta's ACCESS Happy Hour on August 7th at 6 pm! ACCESS is an entrepreneurship program launched by TiE Atlanta Angels. The program hopes to close […]

BitDevs: Learning Bitcoin

Tonight we're learning how Bitcoin works! Atlanta BitDevs meetups are place for free and open Bitcoin education in Atlanta. Discussions will be technical but are open to people of all […]

Generative AI Demo Night

ATDC 75 5th Street N.W. , 2nd Floor, Atlanta, GA, United States

We are looking for 10-15 speakers to be part of a lightning round during our next meetup on August 7th. We can assist if you need coaching on a format, […]