Southern-Fried Gaming Expo

The Southern-Fried Gaming Expo features more than 300 arcade & pinball machines, dozens of new and retro console systems, a massive tabletop library, RPGs, wrestling, music, tournaments, a vendor expo, exciting panel sessions, guest speakers, and so much more. Game all weekend at #SFGE2023.

Vintage Computer Festival Southeast

What: Speakers — Come hear first-hand accounts of events in computer history and informative technical presentations.  We have again attracted some very interesting speakers this year! Check the Speakers link […]

Startup Summer School | Funding Basics

Have an idea? Do you crave to build something? Join us, each Tuesday this summer, for a semester of Startup Summer School. Learn from the best in the industry about what it looks like to start your own company and how to do it well. Learn the various forms of investment and the Investor & Entrepreneur […]

ATDC Info Session

The Advanced Technology Development Center (ATDC) is a startup accelerator that helps technology entrepreneurs in Georgia launch and build successful companies. Founded in 1980, ATDC has helped create millions of dollars in tax revenues by graduating more than 200 companies which together have raised over a billion dollars in outside financing. Come learn more about […]

From Scrappy to Successful

Learn the first-hand experiences of founders who have launched and grown companies while bootstrapping and hear the lessons they have learned along the way. Find out why and when it makes sense to bootstrap, the challenges following this course, and when to consider a capital raise.