Keiretsu Forum Virtual Investor Pitch

The Keiretsu Forum South-East region holds its monthly Forum Meetings on the 4th Wednesday of every month, holidays excepted. Each of our South-East chapters, Atlanta and Palm Beach,  as well as […]

Kabila Conversations: Hatchet Ventures

Let's be honest, it's lonely as an early-stage founder. You don't have many people you can rely on to help you solve the most pressing problems with your business. It […]

Digital Health Ecosystem: Past/Present/Future

A CIO initiative and trend discussion sharing how the CIO role has changed especially since the pandemic. We will dive into the balance of risk and new technology, data governance, […]

TiE: Compliance/Good Business Hygiene

TiE Atlanta’s Workshop will be on July 26th at 6 pm. Our workshops are focused learning sessions on different aspects of entrepreneurship such as raising capital, building out your team, and scaling […]