What’s Fueling eCommHub’s Growth

Tools of the Trade is a weekly feature in which people reveal the top secret contents of their messenger bags, apps they use everyday, and/or their workstations.

You’ve met Kurt Heinrich, founder and CEO of eCommHub (@eCommHub), the leading drop-shipping software platform for online stores that don’t keep their own inventory. But have you met the team he’s putting together to lead this disruption? We pulled three together and asked to see what they’re carrying around in the bags to fuel their company’s growth.

Mike Ge, Aswin Natarajan, and Will King agreed to give you a peek below into their bags and phones. Random stuff? Yes. Messy? A little. The equipment to kick ass at building something that is reshaping drop-shipping? Definitely!

Mike Ge, (@mikege88), Honcho of Vendor Development

Three Most Used Apps:
  • Pandora– so I can listen to my jams on the go or in the office
  • GroupMe – a group text app to keep in touch with my friends
  • ESPN – check scores and follow my favorite sports teams..Go Duke!


In his bag and why it’s there:
  • Brown leather notebook- a reliable and classy place to take down important thoughts and notes
  • iPhone with a battery pack- so I can attend to vendors and customers, oh and the occasional personal call
  • A pocketmap to Paris – in case I ever get lost in Paris
  • W Hotel key card – sometimes you got to live a little
  • iPhone charger – got to have enough juice at all times
  • Contact lens case –
  • Uber Credits – so you and your team can roll up to a client meeting in style
  • Laptop mouse – a must in order to maximize productivity
  • Small Altoids – got to be fresh at all times
  • Delta drink voucher – for when you are thirsty at 36,000 feet
  • Entrepreneurship Magazine– love reading about new ventures and ideas, up to date on the latest startup news

Aswin Natarajan’s (@heyaswin), Honcho of Inbound Marketing

Three Most Used Apps:
  • Podcasts – the NPR TED Radio Hour series is my favorite
  • Over – It lets me create gorgeous visual images to accompany the eCommHub blogposts
  • Waze – There’s something insanely gratifying about being able to beat traffic in the morning


In his bag and why it’s there:
  • Laptop – Nothing crazy about that one. Most of the stickers are from the Techstars Boulder cohort this summer
  • TEDx notebook – used to jot down thoughts and notes
  • Thank you cards – I didn’t even realize I still carried these in my backpack. I bought these to thank people who helped me with my IndieGoGo campaign and had a couple remaining
  • Spin Selling – A recommended read from one of our mentors
  • GT calculator – Because I’m still an engineer at heart? Maybe I’m just a packrat – I’ve carried it in my backpack since high school
  • Expo Marker – Accidentally stolen from Georgia Tech. No plans to return it anytime soon
  • Stapler – To macgyver things together (part 1)
  • Floss – To macguyver things together (part 2)

Will King (@iamwillking), Honcho of Business Development & Customer Happiness

Three Most Used Apps:
  • Stitcher – Started listening to podcasts while running/driving/biking and it’s super educational, even entertaining! I suggest checking out TED Radio Hour and 99% Invisible
  • Lyft – I don’t have a car, so this awesome service helps me avoid (or reduce) ruining as many relationships from abusing car-borrowing/bumming privileges
  • Simple – omg. It’s so beautiful, it just makes me want to save and spend money just so I can use it.
In his bag and why it’s there:
  • Keys – just go back to the place I sleep 
  • Wallet – to remind myself how poor I am and the last bit of New Jersey and Georgia Tech in me (still got my buzzcard and NJ license!)
  • Laptop + Cellphone-  Tech junkie, gotta keep connected.
  • Laptop case – Taking care of my schtuff. also reppin’ a cool sticker I got from James Victore during a MailChimp speaker series
  • Clif Bar – Man’s gotta eat
  • Mouthwash – Just in case… no one likes chocolate, peanut butter breath.
  • Water Bottle – Hydration. I’m healthy right?

[Photo Credit: Detrick/Hypepotamus]