We’ve all seen examples of hilariously bad translations like the one above. If you have any friends who aren’t native English speakers, then you most likely rely on tools like Google Translate to communicate. A few errors here and there are fine for chatting on WhatsApp; however, in a professional capacity, relying on machine translations is simply unacceptable. In an official document or correspondence between foreign businesses where the words, context, meaning, and intent are of utmost importance, a trusted Language Services Provider is needed. Atlanta’s own, Gaites Language Services, or Gaitesco, takes care of what tech can’t.
As Gaitesco’s sole founder, to say that President Carlos Michel is “all-in” would be an understatement. When asked about the company’s funding history, he recalls, “The company I was working for went out of business in 2011. Foreseeing a long drought in employment, I used my savings to get the core business model off the ground while also living on those funds. It dried up at an incredibly fast rate and I was soon searching for a way to basically survive while also feeding the company for the first year, which is when most startups fail. I bootstrapped the business while sleeping in my car and learning to source breakfast, lunch, and dinner on $5/day budget. The entire project was funded out of pocket until some profits were made and everything had to be grown organically one client at a time.”
According to the Oxford Dictionary, language is defined as, “the method of human communication, either spoken or written, consisting of the use of words in a structured and conventional way.” In its purest essence, language requires human-to-human interaction and this principle is at the core of Gaitesco’s business. “Gaitesco gives everyone, from a foreign national seeking the American dream to tech firms selling internationally, the ability to communicate in upwards of 200 languages and dialects,” explains Michel. Started in 2011, his company includes 4 Project Managers, over 2000 hand selected linguists nationwide. “We truly believe that anything is possible when two or more people clearly understand each other and language shouldn’t be a barrier,” he says.
While there are many Language Service Providers out there, many clients are left unsatisfied. How does Gaitesco overcome the status quo? They approach clients’ needs in the same way a medical practice or legal firm does. “Specifically, we tailor the language solution according to the client’s industry and specific need within that industry. We provide linguists who know exactly what the information means and can therefore translate beyond word for word. We translate meaning for meaning, context for context, culture A adjusted to proper communication for culture B,” explains Michel.
Having attended high school in South Georgia, Carlos is an ambassador for starting a business in the state’s capital. “I love ATL! Atlanta, in my opinion, is the perfect city,” he says. “You get the best of everything and you have the choice of living in an urban setting or out in the beautiful countryside. I also believe that Atlanta is fertile soil for entrepreneurs and young professionals.”
If you run a startup that works with clients/customers across the globe then consider this local option to help you with your communication.