Mojo Lingo Q & A Follow Up

Mojo Lingo works with businesses big and small to connect their data, web content, and video with telephony.

A few weeks ago we gave you a rundown of the company, their inspiration, and favorite tools. Check it out, and then continue reading below to learn how Mojo Lingo stays on top of trends, builds a minimalist culture, and what they need most right now.

Where do you gain your insights from and how do you stay on top of emerging trends:
As part of their outreach their leaders attend many conferences, usually to speak. But this also gives them an opportunity to meet and talk with both industry leaders as well as organizations facing challenges with the technology they are trying to develop.

What’s Unique About Your Company Culture:
They are organized to operate with a flat, minimal structure. With 12 employees, only 2 are not developers. Everyone on the team is entrusted to do the right thing for Mojo Lingo and for the client. This has helped them grow a group that maintains a high level of trust and respect internally, despite the challenges from not being able to see each other face-to-face every day.

What You Need Most Right Now:
For businesses to understand the possibilities of Real Time Communications and what Mojo Lingo can do for them.


[Photo Credit: Whitlock/Hypepotamus]