Muusical | For the online DJ in all of us

Do you ever get tired of listening to the same playlists day after day? Muusical was created to kick those over-tired songs to the curb and make it super easy to find new favorites. You can make playlists that seamlessly combine songs from YouTube, Soundcloud and Vimeo in one playable group and vote for your favorite songs. Pretty neato.

We caught up with founder Patrick Bradley to get the full scoop.

Year/Date Founded:
August 2014

Number of Employees:

Founders/Execs :
Patrick Bradley
Toms Rits

Funding or bootstrapped?

Your Pitch?
Muusical is the best place to find new music. Community-curated, daily top 10 lists of music from Youtube, Soundcloud and Vimeo.

What problem are you solving?
It is time consuming to find good, new music that is put online through various different hosting services.

Revenue Model?
In the future we plan on coordinated, promotional releases of music from artists, integration with paid music services and event/ticket listings. We also have future product expansion plans which will include tools for music industry professionals, creating more revenue sources.

How’d You Get The Idea For It?
Product Hunt and a previous music website I built a few years back, Feistie. I have been a musician for many years and have always desired to create music related products.

Who are your competitors and how do you stand out?
Muusical’s competitors are music-focused sub-reddits, Hypemachine and numerous music blogs. Muusical is the most full-featured product amongst our competitors. We have a combination of community curation which is refreshed daily and a brand new playlist player that allows our users to create seamless playlists with songs from Youtube, Soundcloud and Vimeo. The different competitors each have some aspect(s) of our complete product but none offer a one as comprehensive as

How does ATL weave into your story?
The music/entertainment and technology scene in Atlanta is wonderful and growing. I am a Georgia Tech alumni and I think that Atlanta is a wonderful place to live. All these factors combined to make this my first choice to build a startup.

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