Today is the official end to the Good ol’ Boys Club of real estate investing

The first microlending community for real estate announced this morning that they are making it even more accessible for the other 97% of us in the US to invest. Through the innovative application of existing securities laws, GROUNDFLOOR has opened the market for non-accredited investors to back independent builders with short-term secured loans that pay 6-26% annually (that’s more than 9-12x the typical CD offered by retail banks).

When we covered GROUNDFLOOR earlier this year the minimum investment was $100. Today they announced that investments can start as low as $10 and they’re rolling out an all new platform to boot. 

The Company:

  • Founded March 2013
  • Led by Brian Dally &  Nick Bahrgava
  • Raised 1+ million in seed funding
  • 2,000 users in GA and thousands on national waitlist
  • They recently moved their headquarters from North Carolina to Atlanta to take advantage of the the Invest Georgia Exemption



New features of the GROUNDFLOOR platform released today:

  • New onboarding guide that walks backers from registration through their first investment, making microlending simple and fast.
  • Feature rich dashboard for backers that easily tracks progress with account balance, transaction history, open and closed investments, and projected earnings at date of maturity.
  • An objectively determined letter grade for each loan offered, facilitating easy comparison of risk and return.
  • Comprehensive library of all properties available for investing that allows backers to discover new projects available for funding.
  • Shortened timeframe to receive deal terms for builders who submit their projects to the platform.

[Photo Credit]