Hear It Through GrapeVine | App Connects Jewish Millennials

Known for its blend of cultures, Atlanta is the melting pot of the south. The Jewish community is one of many calling it home (9% to be exact). There are many events and organizations celebrating Jewish culture, and staying connected day-t0-day can prove difficult. To help Jewish millennials learn about local events is web-based platform, Grapevine.

Tommy Bledsoe is the current Associate Director of Outreach and Engagement at GrapeVine. GrapeVine is a mobile app and a weekly newsletter connecting individuals to personalized recommendations for events in the Jewish community. “The Jewish community is operating as a leaky pipeline. Studies have shown that about 85% of Jews interact with a Jewish program at some point in their lives, yet at any given point in time only about 20% of Jews are active in Jewish life,” states Bledsoe. “GrapeVine puts the individual at the center of the model and focuses on retaining him/her in the Jewish community by sending targeted recommendations to users that fit their needs.”

GV app recommended events      GV app Signature event details (1)   GV mobile app my profile

“As individuals fill out their own profile and interact with GrapeVine, the platform learns about them and suggests opportunities based on their needs, interests, and life stage. At the same time, GrapeVine helps local and national organizations learn about their constituencies in a way that helps them make data-driven decisions and expand their reach.”

“In Atlanta, we have nearly 24,000 individuals we are reaching through our platform. We also have partnerships with 32 Jewish organizations and are continuing to grow new partnerships, providing our users with a large variety of experiences available to them- one of which is the Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta (JFGA) who helped launch GrapeVine’s platform last August. We are thankful for all of our partners bringing GrapeVine to Atlanta. It would not be possible without their support and continued collaboration.”

Stay connected and follow GrapeVine:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/grapevine.home
Twitter: https://twitter.com/GrapeVineUpdate