Whether you are giddy with glee or dragging your feet with the results of Super Tuesday, you have to give a hand to the thousands of people dedicated to make voting possible in the United States. One secret weapon behind this ballot punching process is EasyVote Solutions. The smart SaaS startup, just named one of the TAG Top 40 Innovative Technology Companies, creates efficiency in the people, equipment and financing that support democracy across 85 Georgia counties and 8 states.
“Our goal is simple – to help governments become more efficient at running that process of elections,” said Charles Davis, Founder and CFO of EasyVote Solutions. “We make elections better, easier, faster and more transparent than ever before.”
Founded less than three years ago in Woodstock, GA, EasyVote Solutions is growing quickly with over $1.5M raised from super angels last year, and 6 new states added to its client base in just 12 months.
“What we continue to hear when we are out there is, ‘Where have you been? We have been asking for this for years.’ That shows that we are on the right path,” said Davis, who explains that the genius behind EasyVote Solutions comes from creating modules that meet the individual needs of the locale. “What we have seen in counties, cities and states is, if they have a need specific area of need, they will gravitate toward that. Some buy the whole module, Fulton County is an example of that. In other counties, they have lower budgets or needs. In every state, they do voting different. So, we have to make sure that we provide a product that is flexible to meet each one.”
EasyVote Solutions handles the aspects of voting that most Americans overlook. Example: The thousands of temporary employees who work just for voting day in Fulton County alone, said Davis. “Officials have to start gathering those poll workers months before and put them into place. That is what our poll worker management software does – it helps people manage a large independent workforce. To inventory, we have tens of thousands of pieces of equipment that have to go out there and come back. Our software also does that.” It does so across Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas, Virginia, and Washington, D.C.
“We also see a lot of people going for our campaign finance module. Campaign finance is the way a candidate or elected official runs and how they report their donations and money. That is a real transparency type issue,” said Davis “With our software, we’ve digitized that process from paper. It is all electronic and can be seen by the public as a public record.”
The voting vibrato of EasyVote Solutions comes from its cloud-based solution, which Davis explains is often a new model for many governments, who through some facetime have come to trust EasyVote Solutions for the triple encoded security and server space that they provide.
“You have to understand that government is a very relationship-based business. I’m not selling this by the internet, I’m sitting with county directors. We get a lot of feedback from these guys. We continue to ask what is needed in the market.”
While many have asked the tech startup why they continue to operate from Metro Atlanta instead of Silicon Valley, EasyVote Solutions attests that their success has come from being in Georgia.
“We started with Georgia counties and went from there. A lot of these counties have come back to us and said that they have changed the way they do things, that we have made it so much easier to run the process. We have shown the desire to be a software company that really listens to customers. That is what makes us really proud of our Georgia roots,” said Davis passionately. “Our CEO worked for several startups in the Atlanta-area. Our CTO worked for AT&T and had several patents. So, we are a Georgia company from day one.”
Want to learn more about EasyVote Solutions, follow its three (above) founders, Chuck Giddens, CTO, Ron Davis, CEO, and Charles Davis, CFO, through LinkedIn.