Did you know that roughly 3 in 5 Americans have had an idea for starting a business? But an overwhelming majority of those people—92 percent—didn’t follow through with turning their idea into reality. Top Reasons? They didn’t know how to get started, They didn’t have access to business tools. They weren’t sure how to work with the tools/technology needed to run a business.
Join RIoT for our new monthly series – Bagels & Business – where we will discuss different topics related to starting a business, growing your existing business, expanding your knowledge base, and your network. Each month we will cover a different topic including customer discovery, MVP, sales, finances, goal planning, marketing, and more!
Stop in, grab a bagel and coffee or tune in and join us from home as we cover key things all business owners need to consider.
SEPTEMBER TOPIC: What Is A Pitch & What Goes Into A Good Pitch? – It’s time to start selling your product or service, but what does it take to convert someone into a customer? Is there a difference between an investor pitch versus a customer pitch? In this session, dive into what are the different types of sales pitches, how to structure your pitch, and how to persuade your audience.
The session will begin at 7:30 – 8:15, with Q&A to follow.
If you would like to join virtually register in advance on Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYrduuvrzMrHNfPwrt7DXWzmKDn2Wc30654
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.